In Which Lives Must be Sorted Out
Part 2 of the A World of Magic and Dreams series
A Howl’s Moving Castle Fanfic
Percival didn’t know who Mrs. Pentstemmon was, but he was quite certain he once had.
He was sure if he hadn’t, it wouldn’t hurt so much to learn she was dead.
Ben pushed the sitting room door open, thinking how strange it was not to see the butler, but of course, he would be looking for a new position now, or simply retiring.
The home was dark, but just as orderly and cluttered as he had seen it last. Her embroidered chair looking so wrong as it sat empty, glowing in the moonlight that streamed from the windows.
His hand trembled on the doorknob and he took a few steps forward, making it to a small stool before his legs collapsed under him. The room blurred, then cleared as he felt tears run down his face.
Mrs. Pentstemmon really was gone.
Someone knocked on the still-open door. Ben glanced up, wiping his face, and saw Justin glance uncomfortably around the room.
“I thought you might be here.” Justin came inside, then stopped in front of Mrs. Pentstemmon’s chair and stuffed his hands in his pockets, rocking back on his heels. He swallowed and turned away. “Somehow, I guess I always thought she couldn’t die. She was too stubborn.”
Ben forced a smile. “I guess I thought so too. I just wish we could have gone to the funeral.”
“Yeah.” Justin glanced around under the tables and found another stool, pulling it out and sitting beside Ben. They sat in silence for a moment, then he nudged Ben’s shoulder with his. “I suppose you’re going to marry that unpleasant girl from before, then?”
Ben stiffened. “I asked her to be my apprentice. She liked Percival, remember? There’s no reason to think she’d like me.”
Justin rolled his eyes. “Well it certainly wasn’t me she liked, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
Ben grabbed a scrap of paper off the table, balled it up, and threw it at him, then stopped, remembering how many times he had done the same thing in this same room.
Justin was clearly thinking the same thing because he glanced over at the empty chair, his shoulders sagged, and he suddenly looked very old. Then he sat up straight and shook his head. “Don’t go home tonight. You shouldn’t stay in that big house by yourself.”
Ben hadn’t considered that it would be empty, but of course he had been gone several months, and Adam and the servants would have gone somewhere else, even if only temporarily.
“Come to the castle,” Justin continue. “We have plenty of room, and besides, my brother will want to see you’re well for himself instead of relying on whatever jumbled account he received from Wizard Howl and your Lettie’s sister.”
Ben bristled. “She’s not my–”
“And," Justin interrupted loudly, “Valeria misses you. At least, she did when I left, and I imagine her babbled demands have only grown louder.”
Ben stopped and took a deep breath, reminding himself that he still had family here, even with one member now gone. “Alright, but this isn’t a plot to force me into a parade, right?”
Justin stood up and grimaced. “If anyone gets a parade, it’ll be me.”
Ben grinned and followed him out to the street, locking the front door behind them.