In Which Lives Must be Sorted Out
Part 2 of the A World of Magic and Dreams series A Howl’s Moving Castle Fanfic Percival didn’t know who Mrs. Pentstemmon was, but he was quite certain he once had.
He was sure if he hadn’t, it wouldn’t hurt so much to learn she was dead.
Ben pushed the sitting room door open, thinking how strange it was not to see the butler, but of course, he would be looking for a new position now, or simply retiring.
In Which Ben Sullivan Finds Another World: Part II
A Howl’s Moving Castle Fanfic Trigger warning: emotional manipulation
Ben stepped into the alley outside his apartment building and let the portal close behind him. It felt . . . strange to be back in Wales.
He had stayed in Ingary several weeks, practicing simple transportation spells into the market, the fields, and once, into the inn Justin had snuck away to. Justin had fallen off his chair in surprise, and Ben hadn’t been able to stop laughing for a full minute.
In Which Ben Sullivan Finds Another World: Part I
Part 1 of the A World of Magic and Dreams series A Howl’s Moving Castle Fanfic Ben blinked drowsily up at the bright blue sky and wondered why his head hurt so much. Everything hurt, in fact, and he was tempted to fall back into unconsciousness.
“Are you alright?” a male voice asked.
Ben tried to roll over so he could push himself up, but his back protested. Someone ran over, grabbed him behind his shoulders, and hauled him into a sitting position.
In Which Ben and Lettie Have an Argument
Part 3 of the A World of Magic and Dreams series A Howl’s Moving Castle Fanfic Lettie Hatter had been his apprentice several months before Ben realized how stupidly rash the offer had been.
Everything had settled so neatly the day the Witch of the Waste had been killed that it had seemed only natural that, as the girl he loved required a more advanced magical instructor, he should invite her to become his apprentice.