Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Epilogue
A Stranger Things Fanfic
Three Years Later
Eddie slumped against the car and stared at the high school. He never would have believed he would be glad to be here. He glanced at his watch. What was taking so long? He knew the kids could drag their feet sometimes, but this was crazy. If they took much longer, he’d need to find a hotel in Hawkins for the night.
Dustin came running, dropping his backpack at his feet and throwing his arms around Eddie. “You’re here! I didn’t know you were coming!”
Eddie grinned and ruffled his hair. “I told you I would.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t know you were coming today!”
“Eddie, you’re here!” Lucas called, and he and Mike ran over.
“In the flesh.”
“So,” Dustin began with a smirk that usually meant he was up to something. “Where is she?”
“Where is who?”
The younger boy rolled his eyes. “You know who I mean.”
Eddie grinned. “She just snuck into the school to listen to the band practice.”
Dustin frowned. “The band? Why?”
He looked up to find Will and El coming out of the school with Mayfield. El ran over and hugged him. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too, pipsqueak. How’s school going?”
“It’s good.” She pulled back. “Where’s Chrissy?”
“Is she watching band practice?” Will asked.
Dustin frowned. “How did you know that?”
“Because her little brother is in band. Don’t you pay attention?”
“Let’s go say hi!” El grabbed her brother’s hand and dragged him off.
“What? Is that all I get?” Eddie called after them. “See if I ever come visit you again!” El laughed and waved as they slipped back inside.
“How long are you staying?” Dustin asked, drawing his attention back.
“Not long. We plan to be back on the road tonight.” Dustin stuck out his lower lip in a pout. Eddie mimicked him, then poked his stomach. “Eh, you’re fine. You can come visit us yourself soon enough.”
“Eddie, wait till you hear about the crazy new campaign we’ve started,” Lucas said. “We’ve been waiting to tell you about it till you came to visit. You’re going to love it!”
Eddie grinned and folded his arms as he settled back against the car. Strangely enough, it was nice to be back.
“Mom! Guess who’s here!” Will called as he pushed the shop door open.
“Hmm, I’m going to say it’s my son,” she called back from the storage room.
Will rolled his eyes. “I don’t mean me. Come see!” He glanced at his sister and smiled to see her bouncing on her toes.
“Just a second!” He heard her shuffling around some boxes. “Alright, now who is–Chrissy! Eddie! I didn’t realize you were coming today!” She hugged them both.
Chrissy smiled shyly. “We wanted to surprise everyone.”
“Well you certainly did that! I’m so glad to see you both!” She smirked at Chrissy. “So, can I see it?”
Chrissy flushed and grinned, then held up her hand to display her ring. Will had heard about the wedding several months ago. There hadn’t been a party or ceremony or anything, just a visit to the courthouse. Jonathan and Nancy had come by on their break from NYU to be the witnesses.
His mom exclaimed over the ring and complimented it again and again, until Chrissy turned nearly scarlet from embarrassment and pleasure. She invited them over for supper, which they eagerly accepted, and as soon as she finished tidying up the store and locking up, they all drove back to the house, arriving just a few minutes before Hopper.
It felt nostalgic to all sit around the table for supper. Will hadn’t realized how much he missed it. It still felt strange not to have Jonathan around, but Chrissy and Eddie just settled naturally back in as though they had never left.
But all too soon, it was over. “Make sure you call when you get home tomorrow,” his mom insisted as she hugged them both.
“We will,” Chrissy promised.
“Bye, kiddo,” Eddie said as he gave Will a hug.
Will squeezed him tightly. He didn’t want to let go. “I’m not a kid anymore.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
“I’m planning to go to NYU,” he blurted out. “Like Jonathan. I mean, this fall, I want to go there, so–so maybe I can come visit sometimes.”
Eddie grinned. “That would be great.”
“I’ll miss you,” Will muttered, glancing down at his feet.
“I’ll miss you too.”
“Want to stop and get some ice cream before we head out, princess?” Eddie asked as they left the Byers-Hopper house.
Chrissy looped her arm through his. “That sounds great.”
The Friday evening crowds meant they had to park a few blocks down, but as the weather was nice, neither of them minded walking. They reached the ice cream shop, and Eddie held the door open. Chrissy felt a rush of cold air and shivered. He frowned.
“Why don’t you stay out here while I order?”
She hesitated. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
She turned around and found a bench, still mostly lit by the setting sun and sat down. The light warmed her back up, and she closed her eyes and sighed, tilting her head back. It really was a nice day.
She froze. She had not wanted to hear that voice again.
“It is you! Oh, Chris, I knew you would come home eventually.”
She opened her eyes to find a far too familiar face. “Jason.”
He stepped over and reached out like he was trying to hug her, but she put her hand out to stop him. “What are you doing?”
“We’re not dating anymore. I broke up with you, then left.”
He frowned. “I know you were going through a rough time, but you’re home now–”
She shook her head. “No, I’m not.”
“What do you mean? You’re right here.”
“Yes, but I’m not home. Hawkins isn’t home. It–it never really was.”
That’s ridiculous. We lived here, we grew up here, we went to school here–"
“But I never really got to live, Jason. I finally have a home now–in New York. I’m only here to visit a few people, and then I’m going back.”
“But, Chris–”
“They didn’t have strawberry, strangely enough, so I got you chocolate,” Eddie said as he left the ice cream shop. “Sorry they didn’t–” he broke off when he looked up and saw Jason standing next to Chrissy and watching him.
“What are you doing here?” Jason asked. He didn’t actually say the word, “freak”, but it was implied.
Eddie raised his ice cream cones. “Buying ice cream. Should’ve thought that was obvious.”
“For Chrissy? She doesn’t even like ice cream!”
Eddie blinked slowly at him, then glanced at Chrissy. “You told him you didn’t like ice cream?” He turned back to Jason. “And you believed her?”
“Eddie,” Chrissy began.
“Right, sorry. Not helping.”
“Chris, why are you hanging around Munson?”
Chrissy opened her mouth, but Eddie spoke before she got the chance. “I could ask you the same thing. Why are you hanging around her?”
“I’m her boyfriend, freak–”
“No, you’re not!” Chrissy shot to her feet. “I broke up with you. We are not dating, and we aren’t ever going to be dating again! I’m married, Jason!”
He staggered back. “Married? But, Chris . . .” He broke off, then turned to Eddie, fury growing on his face. “Did you marry him? Did you marry the freak? Tell me you didn’t.”
“Why? How does it affect you?” She sighed. “Listen, Jason, I understand you’re angry and confused, but I’m not the person you think, and I never have been. I’m finally, finally happy, so is there any part of you that could just be a little happy for me?”
Jason took a step back and shook his head. “You changed. I feel like I don’t know you anymore.”
“I don’t think you ever did,” she whispered as he turned around and walked away.
Eddie shifted from one foot to the other. “Sorry, I guess I kinda . . . escalated things. But . . . I have ice cream!” He held up the cones and flashed a goofy grin.
Chrissy smiled. “It’s not your fault, but I will take that ice cream.”
He handed her the cone, then snaked his arm around her waist. “You okay?”
She leaned against him. “Mmhmm, but I’m ready to go home.”
“Yeah, me too. Sorry we won’t get there tonight.” He took her hand. “You ready to get on the road?”
She nodded, and he led her back to the car, swinging their hands between them.
“Yeah, princess?”
“I love you.”
He squeezed her hand. “I love you too.”
The End
- Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream)
- Stranger Things
- Eddie Munson
- Chrissy Cunningham
- Joyce Byers
- Will Byers
- El Hopper
- Jim Hopper
- Dustin Henderson
- Lucas Sinclair
- Mike Wheeler
- Max Mayfield
- Jason Carver
- Eddie X Chrissy