Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Epilogue
A Stranger Things Fanfic Three Years Later
Eddie slumped against the car and stared at the high school. He never would have believed he would be glad to be here. He glanced at his watch. What was taking so long? He knew the kids could drag their feet sometimes, but this was crazy. If they took much longer, he’d need to find a hotel in Hawkins for the night.
Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Chapter 8
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: violence and brief mentions of death by suffocation
“I have a question,” Chrissy whispered once they were on the road again the next day.
She leaned closer so no one could overhear. “What you told me last night, does that mean you have, like, superpowers?”
He chuckled. “Honestly I was expecting you to ask me that yesterday.”
She hummed. “I was a little preoccupied.
Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Chapter 7
A Stranger Things Fanfic Eddie nudged El in the side with his elbow as he scrubbed out a bowl. “You excited to go home?”
She smiled and nodded. “Are you?”
Eddie’s grin slipped. Oops. He and Chrissy had been too caught up in trying to make plans they had forgotten to mention them to anyone else. “Um, Chrissy and I aren’t going back to Hawkins.”
El frowned and put the plate she had dried into the cabinet.
Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Chapter 6
A Stranger Things Fanfic It wasn’t until the next morning that Chrissy realized she hadn’t technically asked Eddie to go with her. It had been implied, of course. Heavily so, in her opinion, but given their previous misunderstandings, she wanted to be absolutely sure he knew what she wanted, preferably as soon as possible.
The problem with that was, despite staying up late, her body still automatically woke up too early for the people around her (the lack of sleep hadn’t caught up yet, but it probably would soon), so when she woke, she crept out of bed, slipped out of her and El’s room, and made her silent way past Hopper asleep on the couch and into the kitchen where she found The Hobbit lying just where she’d left it.
Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Chapter 5
A Stranger Things Fanfic Eddie wasn’t answering the phone, which wasn’t concerning in and of itself. He was often out, or asleep, or listening to music too loud to hear it ring. (Dustin had once tried to suggest he turn it down so people could call him. Eddie had laughed and ignored the suggestion completely.)
No, Eddie’s poor telephone etiquette was not the worrying part. What was worrying was the fact that no one had seen him.
Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Chapter 4
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: mentions of eating disorders
Chrissy was dreaming. It was the only explanation, really, because Eddie couldn’t be standing there in front of her motel room. She hadn’t told anyone where she was going, so it must be a dream.
Except–except her dreams were never this detailed (well, except the Visions, but those didn’t count). She could feel the denim of his vest as she twisted her fingers in it, the leather of the jacket her face pressed into.
Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Chapter 3
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: mentions of child abuse
Eddie graduated.
He had finally done it. Finally made it out of this hellhole that sucked out six years of his life. His friends shouted from their various seats, his freshmen (Mayfield included) cheered, and Nancy and Robin waved and clapped from their place with the other graduates. It felt . . . good.
Then, on the way to the truck, Wayne clapped his hand over Eddie’s shoulder, still covered in that horrid robe, and muttered, “I’m proud of you, son.
Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Chapter 2
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: mentions of eating disorders and child abuse
A quest against monsters and society changed things. It led to justice returning to places where it had been absent for some time. It led to freedom for some, wisdom for others. Through it people grew into themselves and had a better understanding of their place in life.
A quest was not supposed to make things worse.
Just Call My Name (And I'll Hear You Scream): Chapter 1
A Stranger Things Fanfic A battle with Vecna was something Eddie had hoped only to experience over a board, tucked behind his books, but fate dictated otherwise the moment Chrissy Cunningham died in his trailer. He had known then that if there was anything, anything he could do, he would without hesitation.
Later, it would all be a blur of music, Dustin screaming, those horrible bats, and pain. (The Dream, however, stood out in sharp contrast, and Eddie didn’t think he would ever forget it.