Lines in the Sand: Chapter 9
An X-Men Evolution Fanfic “Scott!” The scream came from the living room.
Scott had lived in the mansion long enough to know when someone yelled like that, you dropped whatever you were doing to help, so he turned off the stove, pulled his pan away from the hot eye, then took off running.
He didn’t see anything when he reached the living room. No assassins, burglars, fighting teenagers, nothing. Nothing strange at all except Amara’s horrified expression as she stared at the tv.
Lines in the Sand: Chapter 8
An X-Men Evolution Fanfic Pietro wasn’t sure what he had expected his father’s secret base to look like, but it definitely wasn’t the dingy, water-side warehouse Sabertooth dragged them to. It occurred to him that they had no reason to believe Sabertooth was really taking them to their father. What if he just wanted to get them alone? What if he was trying to kill them?
He stepped closer to his sister and touched her arm.
Lines in the Sand: Chapter 7
An X-Men Evolution Fanfic Kitty trailed after Evan as they walked back inside the mansion. He recounted the game, punctuating the most exciting moments with jumps and mimed throws, despite the fact that they had all watched it themselves just half an hour before. As nervous as she was, it was kind of funny to watch Mystique forced to listen in patient silence to the whole story to keep from giving herself away.
Lines in the Sand: Chapter 6
An X-Men Evolution Fanfic Pietro woke to the cacophony of screeching and thundering drums Lance for some reason called “music”. Why he had to play that horrid stuff so loud, Pietro didn’t know. “Turn it off!”
That wasn’t Lance’s voice. He sat up, and memories flooded back as he recognized the hotel room around him. After yet another day of wandering around the city, he and Wanda had decided to stay there for the night.
Lines in the Sand: Chapter 5
An X-Men Evolution fanfic “Hey, Kitty, wait up!” Lance called as she walked to the lab building. She stopped and turned around as he caught up. He fell into step beside her and lowered his voice. “How did everything go last night?”
She sighed. “It was . . . fine. Mystique didn’t seem to notice I was gone, so that’s good. I’m really worried, though. I mean, we have no idea when she replaced the professor, or what she’s done with him!
Lines in the Sand: Chapter 4
An X-Men Evolution fanfic “That was incredibly stupid,” Kitty said as she unwrapped a bandaid.
“Hey, I don’t need that,” Lance complained. She fixed him with a dull stare, and he gave in, holding out his arm. During the fight, one of Evan’s spikes had grazed his arm. Thankfully it stopped bleeding by the time he got home, but she didn’t trust him to take care of it properly.
They were sitting in the middle of the living room floor since no one had bothered to put the couch right-side up.
Lines in the Sand: Chapter 3
An X-Men Evolution fanfic Kitty hummed to herself as she headed to the Brotherhood boarding house. I was getting close to curfew, but she hadn’t gotten to talk to Lance all day, and if she hurried, she could see him for a while before she had to get home.
About a block away, she passed Tabby. She started to wave to her, until she noticed the way the younger girl was stomping away, and decided not to bother.
Lines in the Sand: Chapter 2
An X-Men Evolution Fanfic “This test is going to be horrible,” Kurt lamented.
Kitty giggled. “Well maybe you should have been taking better notes instead of staring at a certain girl in class.”
“Who, Amanda? I wasn’t staring. I just–I was looking out the window!”
As they walked outside, Kitty spotted Lance leaning against the wall. He usually had to leave school pretty quickly to get to work on time, but he didn’t seem to be in a hurry.
Lines in the Sand: Chapter 1
Part 1 of the Twilight Force series An X-Men Evolution Fanfic Lance slammed the Jeep’s door and stomped up to the door of the boardinghouse, cursing Summers, the professor, those dumb kids who thought flying a jet would be fun, and himself, for actually thinking he could just show up at the mansion, join the X-Men, and everything would just work out.
He should have known it didn’t work like that.