I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 14
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: mentions of abuse and eating disorders
Chrissy’s mom didn’t speak to her when she came down for breakfast the next day. She handed her the small plate without meeting her eyes and turned back to the stove. Chrissy joined Brian at the table without a word. He glanced up at their mom, then quickly turned back to his food.
Chrissy had finished eating and was in the middle of washing her dishes when someone knocked on the door.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 13
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: mentions of abuse and eating disorders
Victor Creel’s house, in the dark, late at night, was a terrifying place to be, but Chrissy reminded herself that at least she wasn’t in the Upside-Down. She took a steadying breath as she crept around alone, on socked feet and clutching a blue lantern. Music ran through her headphones, and she clung to the lyrics like a lifeline.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 12
A Stranger Things Fanfic Back in the Upside-Down was the last place Eddie wanted to be, but there he was, reinforcing the wrong version of his trailer with Dustin, screwing in metal plates, propping up ladders, and wrapping wire fencing around it.
He found his guitar (the only good part of this freaky shadow-realm was that it made it even more metal), and he and Dustin carried it and the amp up to the roof.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 11
A Stranger Things Fanfic When they got to the War Zone (Chrissy had a hard time not giggling every time someone mentioned the name), Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Max climbed out of the RV. Erica stood up as well. “I’m coming too!”
Steve stared at her for a second, then shrugged and gestured for her to follow. “Okay.”
The others settled in to wait. Chrissy sat with Lucas at the table, fiddling with the Walkman.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 10
A Stranger Things Fanfic “Before we do anything, we need another Walkman.” Harrington hadn’t stopped staring at Wheeler since she’d woken up, and Eddie was fairly certain he would have to physically restrain him from robbing someplace if the others didn’t hurry up and make some sort of plan. As soon as Wheeler had woken from her trance, they had moved to Mayfield’s trailer in case the police or the basketball team showed back up, but Harrington seemed to find even that delay unbearable.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 9
A Stranger Things Fanfic “I don’t like this,” Robin said, pacing as Nancy tapped a pen on a still-empty notebook. “I mean, how much do we know about the Upside-Down, really?” She glanced at Steve, Nancy, and the three freshmen. “You say you’ve all been there before?”
“Well . . . only for a little while, and we were underground the whole time,” Dustin said.
Nancy frowned. “I wasn’t underground, but I was just there for a couple minutes.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 8
A Stranger Things Fanfic Eddie woke to a loud knocking on the front door. He nearly fell on top of Dustin, who was also scrambling up. His heart pounded in time to the knocking, and he tried to think how he could manage to get him and the kid out of the house without the cops spotting them.
“We forgot the password, but let us in.” Harrington’s sarcastic voice came through the door, and Eddie relaxed, though he huffed a sigh and fell back onto the bed.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 7
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: referenced abuse and eating disorders
Nancy decided everyone would stay at her house that night. Chrissy was grateful, having finally found something she was more afraid of than her mother’s anger. Despite this, when Nancy told everyone to call their parents to let them know, Chrissy waited until last, choosing instead to help Nancy set up places for everyone to sleep in the basement. When they had finished, Nancy ran upstairs to grab some of her pajamas for Robin, Chrissy, and Max to borrow, and some of her brother’s for Lucas.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 6
A Stranger Things Fanfic “How do you feel about a hike, Dustin?” Eddie asked, glancing at his watch and wishing he had paid attention to what time the sun set lately.
Dustin cocked his head. “A hike? I mean, I can do it, but shouldn’t we stay here?”
“Do you wanna sleep here?” Dustin peeked into the cranny under the rock and grimaced. Eddie folded his arms. “Didn’t think so. We need a place to sleep where the cops won’t be looking for us.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 5
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: mentions of abuse, violence, and eating disorders
To Chrissy’s surprise, Nancy was not the only one who stayed. Sinclair, who later introduced himself as Lucas, studied the bookshelf in the middle of the living room, while Max sat in the chair beside Chrissy with pens stolen from his backpack to write on Chrissy’s cast. Nancy sat across the room, scribbling in a notebook she had pulled from her pocket.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 4
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: violence
Of course Dustin insisted on being the one to stay with Eddie. Of course he did. It didn’t matter when Eddie had told him they were going back to the school. Dustin wanted to come anyway. Eddie tapped his finger on his knee. What was he supposed to do with the kid after his errand? He wasn’t taking him to his trailer (he hadn’t wanted to take Chrissy there either, but she was desperate, and it was only supposed to be for a few minutes), and he certainly wasn’t going to the kid’s house.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 3
A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: mentions of abuse and eating disorders
Resetting the bones in her arm hurt, but Chrissy was alive, and that was the important thing.
Her parents couldn’t understand why she had been at Max’s, but they took one look at her arm and seemed to decide questions and a lecture could wait. Her dad held her hand as the doctors put the cast on, and she kept music playing the whole time, leaving the headphones around her neck so as not to be rude.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 2
A Stranger Things Fanfic Chrissy looked heartbroken when he told her he couldn’t help. Eddie felt bad, but she couldn’t have seen what he had. She had told him she thought she was crazy. Crazy couldn’t make you float up in the air and break your arm, he was sure of that.
Someone banged on the door, probably to complain about the music. He hadn’t meant to play it, but the tape player had fallen, and he hadn’t bothered to turn it off, being far more concerned by the fact that his latest client had started to levitate in the middle of his living room.
I See You (Please See Me): Chapter 1
Part 1 of the Their Year (‘86, Baby!) series A Stranger Things Fanfic Trigger warning: violence, mentions of abuse and drugs
The game was over, but the tension that had settled in Chrissy’s stomach hadn’t faded. Jason offered to give her a ride to Benny’s, but she told him she needed to go home and change first. And it was true. She would go home and change, just after she went to Eddie’s.