A Little Less Makeup, A Lot More Action
A True Beauty Fanfic When Han Seojun got the text asking him to meet after practice, he knew exactly what was coming.
Even after two years, Im Jugyeong was still holding onto Lee Suho, and he had been stupid to think he could ever change that.
He didn’t answer, hoping she would take the hint and leave, but of course, she didn’t. He considered telling her Suho was leaving to visit his father again.
A Little Less Makeup, A Lot More Action
A True Beauty Fanfic When Han Seojun got the text asking him to meet after practice, he knew exactly what was coming.
Even after two years, Im Jugyeong was still holding onto Lee Suho, and he had been stupid to think he could ever change that.
He didn’t answer, hoping she would take the hint and leave, but of course, she didn’t. He considered telling her Suho was leaving to visit his father again.