Writing a Family
A Gravity Falls Fanfic Soos was six years old when he wrote his first story. His cousin María had just published a book, and the whole family was talking about what an amazing accomplishment it was. María was the coolest person in the world, so when Soos heard about her book, he decided he wanted to write one too.
He sat down at the table with some paper and a crayon while Abuelita made supper and wrote about a dog who made friends with a cat, a bird, and a little boy.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter XI
A Gravity Falls Fanfic “What are you working on?” Pacifica asked as she sat beside Dipper at the kitchen table the next morning.
With one hand, he held up his phone to show a photo of a red and yellow bird, and with the other, he continued his sketch. “Grunkle Ford finally got a picture.” He frowned at the line he had just drawn and erased it before dropping his pencil.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter X
A Gravity Falls Fanfic If you like someone, and they like you back, the logical thing to do is ask them on a date. Dipper knew this, and since he liked Pacifica, and she seemed to like him (he didn’t think she would have kissed him if she didn’t), that seemed the obvious next step.
There were several problems with this. First of all, he needed a place to take her.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter IX
A Gravity Falls Fanfic Dipper peeked into the library and spotted Pacifica, surrounded by textbooks and notes. He went over and tapped her shoulder. “I was looking for you. Are you too busy to go pixie hunting with me and Mabel?”
“Pixie hunting?”
“Yeah. We’ve been bugging Grunkle Ford to tell us about any supernatural stuff he’s heard about in the area, and he finally mentioned hearing rumors about pixies, so we’re going to go look for them.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter VIII
A Gravity Falls Fanfic Trigger warning: panic attacks
When Pacifica got back to her dorm, she sighed and collapsed on her bed, tossing her backpack to the floor. She let herself rest for a few minutes before sliding off the bed and collecting her sociology books.
She pulled out her laptop and found the right chapter in her book, but no sooner had she started on homework, than her phone rang.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter VII
A Gravity Falls Fanfic Mabel dropped a stack of books on the table beside Pacifica. “Hi!” She dropped into the seat across the table.
“Hi, Mabel,” Pacifica muttered without looking up from her book. When no one else arrived, she looked up, frowning. “Where’s Dipper? I didn’t think he would pass up a chance to go to the library.”
Mabel laughed and pointed at the doors where he stood with Christy, who was grinning shyly and talking.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter VI
A Gravity Falls Fanfic Trigger warning: mentions of abuse
When Dipper arrived at Astronomy, he was surprised to find Pacifica wasn’t there yet. She usually beat him to class because she liked to be there so early. He wondered where she was, but didn’t think much of it, until she came in ten minutes after class had started.
Her face was white, and her hands were trembling, but she slid into her usual seat beside him and pulled out her books.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter V
A Gravity Falls Fanfic Trigger warning: mention of panic attacks
It was 2:00 a.m., and Dipper knew he wasn’t going back to sleep anytime soon.
Are you awake? he texted Mabel. He stared at his glowing phone, willing her to reply, but the screen didn’t change. A notification appeared that he had a new text from Pacifica. Frowning, he opened it.
I know you won’t see this until morning, but I finally found the answer to #4 on the exam review.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter IV
A Gravity Falls Fanfic “Slow down, Mabel, or you’re going to choke!” Pacifica said.
“I have to go find Sara,” Mabel said between bites, only increasing the chance of danger. “We’re going to spend the whole day working on costumes for the play coming up.”
“Can’t you take a minute to actually eat breakfast?”
“Nope! Sorry to run, but I’ll see you later!” She leapt up, waved, and ran from the dining hall.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter III
A Gravity Falls Fanfic Knock knock knock knock knock–
Pacifica opened her door to end the noise, and Mabel grinned broadly at her. “Hi! Dipper and I are going out exploring. We heard some stories about a weird animal, and we thought we’d check it out. Want to come?”
Pacficia raised her eyebrows. “You want me to come on a monster hunt with you?”
“Pfft, not a monster hunt. I doubt there will be any real monsters.
Caught in the Stars: Chapter II
A Gravity Falls Fanfic “So then Christy said–”
“Listen, Mabel,” Dipper interrupted as he grabbed a plate. “I’m glad you and your roommate hit it off, but you don’t have to tell me everything she’s ever said, especially first thing in the morning.”
Mabel rolled her eyes. “I haven’t said that much.”
They collected their food and sat down with Pacifica. She looked up, startled.
“You don’t mind us sitting here, do you?
Caught in the Stars: Chapter I
A Gravity Falls Fanfic It didn’t take long for Dipper to decide he didn’t like college. His roommate hadn’t arrived yet, so he was alone in his dorm for the first three days. Completely alone, in a strange bed, in a strange room, without his sister next door. He and Mabel hadn’t been happy with the arrangement, but the rules were clear: freshmen were required to live in the dorms, and there were no dorm halls that were co-ed.