Beauty and the Sea Beast: The Princess Tourney
A Four Kingdoms Fanfic Isla
I stared up at the ceiling of the ship, listening to Millie’s breathing beside me. I still couldn’t believe I was on an actual, whole ship, floating on top of the ocean. I hadn’t really believed I would ever seen one that wasn’t already wrecked.
Millie’s breathing grew slower, and I waited a few more minutes to be sure she was asleep, then sat up. Something strange was going on here, and only one person could give me the answers I needed.
Beauty and the Sea Beast: Prologue
A Four Kingdoms Fanfic I clutched the rail on the side of our ship and closed my eyes, tilting my face up to the rain. It didn’t matter how much time I spent on or in it, I always enjoyed the ocean.
The rain pelted down, and I knew I should go inside soon to warm up, but I wasn’t ready yet. Wind whipped around me, dragging the voices of my siblings to me.