What Haunts the Shadows: Chapter 1
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) It’s strange how miraculous power seems to those who don’t have it.
A hand stretched toward a girl without a country or a boy without a name, and suddenly anything seems possible. Like shopgirls can marry princes, and carpets can fly, and everyone will live happily ever after.
Then you get closer, and there are . . . limits.
A bird has to prove its worth and so does a girl.
Always by Your Side: Chapter 8
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic The sun beats down on his shoulders, even filtered through the leaves, and he licks his dry lips. He’s not far from the pub, and he can already taste the lemonade he knows waits in the icebox. He tugs on the hem of his shirt, but sweat makes it cling to his chest and he makes a face. There are always clean clothes, waiting in the trunk in the attic for him, and he definitely needs them today.
Always by Your Side: Chapter 7
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) fanfic Shirayuki knows how to dance. She’s been doing it for years at weddings and festivals. She understands that, to some degree, dancing at a ball is different, but she’s learned so many dances over the years. How different could it be?
Very, apparently.
“Please, Obi?” She would grab his arm to make sure he couldn’t slip away if she wasn’t sure she would trip on the hem of her skirt as soon as she dropped it.
Always by Your Side: Chapter 6
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Technically, Obi has his own room in the palace. He’s sure the servants are well aware that he never uses it and that they’ve shared that information with the prince.
He’s just as sure that the prince has no idea where he actually spends his nights.
“Obi.” Shirayuki pokes his chest. He bats her hand away. “Obi!” Another poke.
Always by Your Side: Chapter 5
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic As far as towers go, this one is very nice. More decorative than functional, its stones gleam in the sunlight. The window provides a lovely view of the late, which felt much warmer when she was in it than it does now.
Shirayuki pulls Obi’s jacket tighter around her as she shivers. It would probably be warmer to sit outside in the sun, but Obi had suggested she wait inside for Zen and the others to arrive, and she didn’t want to spend any more time with Lord Brekker than she has to.
Always byYour Side: Chapter 4
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Information gathering. That’s what Mukaze told Obi.He’s good at that—lurking in the shadows and teasing secrets from loose lips.And Shirayuki . . . well, she’s good at making people trust her.
But that plan had required invisibility, something which they no longer have, according to the men the prince caught in the garden.
He cleans under his fingernails with the tip of his knife as he listens to Mitsuhide and the prince discuss how best to protect Shirayuki, should the spies following her decide to take more direct action, and tries to pretend he isn’t silently fuming.
Memories Like Stars: Chapter 1
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Obi wakes in an unfamiliar bed. An instant later, he realizes his head is pounding.
This is . . . not good. He doesn’t usually sleep in a bed at all, and to wake up in one, injured, with no memory of how he got there is dangerous.
He keeps his eyes closed for a minute, listening. Someone else is in the room with him, breathing steadily.
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic
Three wishes.
At least, that’s what the fairytales say. She doesn’t know if that applies to goblins or just fairies and genii, but she’s desperate, and if this goblin is going to keep insisting she’s not his bride, well . . . she might as well take the opportunity.
“I need a job.” The words tumble out, far from the usual respectful tone she would usually use with a ghost.
Always by Your Side: Chapter 3
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic “Miss! There you are!”
“Obi!” She glances around, making sure Ryuu has disappeared into the fields. Thankfully there’s no one else in sight.
“Prince Raj has arrived at the palace.”
She squeaks and nearly drops her basket. “Today? Already?”
“He’s on his way to the garden now with both Clarinese princes. Let’s go.”
Technically, she doesn’t have to. Obi is the one with spying experience, he’s the one who knows how to sift through lies and secrets to find the truth underneath, and he’s the one her father suggested sending in the first place.
Always by Your Side: Chapter 2
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic In many ways, the second prince makes things easier on them. He trusts so easily it almost makes Obi feel bad for taking advantage. He assumes Obi won’t break into his room and slit his throat just because he rolls over and plays fetch at his master’s instruction. One day Prince Zen will get a hard lesson in reality. Obi hopes he won’t be around to see it.
Sweet as Belladonna: Chapter II
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) fanfic The little farmhouse stands out from the fields like a lighthouse. This is the first sign of people they’ve seen since leaving the inn two nights ago. Obi’s eyes narrow as he surveys the land around them. Eventually he nods and gestures for her to lead the way.
It’s a pretty little place, clean, though old and patched up in several places, and it seems like a nice place to live, if a little lonely.
Always by Your Side: Chapter 1
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic “I don’t like this.”
“It’s fine.” Maybe if she says it enough times, it’ll be true. “We’re just . . . moving a little sooner than expected.” She finishes addressing the medicine-filled envelopes and unties her apron. Her bag is packed, the room clean and awaiting a new owner, and the encoded note written and waiting for its messenger to stop complaining.
Sweet as Belladonna: Chapter I
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Shirayuki stares down at the package of dried leaves in her hands. She may not enjoy studying poisons as much as Ryuu, but every herbalist knows how to identify them.
There’s only one reason the crown prince would send her this, and she doesn’t want to think about it.
She’s been watching Obi, ever since Izana told her his suspicions about his lineage, but he’s nearly always with her.
Say My Name
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic There’s a ritual to coming home. Shirayuki knocks twice before unlocking the door, slips off her shoes, then calls, “I’m home” to the empty house. It’s a simple habit, and Ryuu appreciates the routine. Garack appreciates clean floors.
“It was busy at the pharmacy today,” she tells the kitchen as she puts away her groceries. She doesn’t know if either of her housemates are actually listening, but they do often come to greet her when she gets home, so she talks anyway.
Never Gone My Way
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Obi knows he has bad luck (being cursed by the gods kind of clued him in), but he really could have done without falling in love with the woman destined to kill him.
This is definitely a new low.
But of course, that’s not even the worst of it. The worst part is that she doesn’t know, and he can’t bring himself to tell her what fate has in store for both of them.
Renovate my Heart
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) fanfic The lady on aisle three looks lost.
Obi’s used to confusion, exhaustion, frustration, and plenty of other strong emotions from customers, but this one’s a first.
“Can I help you?”
The little red-haired whirls around and clutches a paint sample to her chest. “What?”
“You look like you’re having some trouble.”
“Oh. I guess so.” She frowns down at her paint chip.
Love on the Silver Screen
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic In Obi’s experience, every girl loves a good romance picture. He remembers the girls in school swooning over Rudolph Valentino or Douglas Fairbanks and declaring the actress starring with them to be “the luckiest girl in the world”.
This new actress does not realize the charmed life she’s living.
It’s quite simple really. A few steps of a dance, then the leading man sweeps his lady love away for a tender conversation and a moon-lit kiss.
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic “Mommy, Suzu said you’re going to the market today. I want to go too!”
Shirayuki looks down into the boy’s shining gold eyes and smiles. “Alright, but grab your coat first.”
The humming grows gradually, announcing the silent footsteps. Shirayuki looks up from chopping the herbs Ryuu gave her. “That’s pretty. I’ve never heard that song before.”
It’s an open invitation, but Obi’s not going to respond.
An Unusual Family
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Master Ryuu encouraged questions. He didn’t give many instructions, but he made it clear that Hoshi could ask about anything she needed, so she did. She asked about every medicine they worked on, she asked about any herbs she didn’t recognize in his stores, and she asked about his own projects.
But she didn’t ask about the girl in his office.
Hold My Hand and Don't Let Go
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic To his knowledge, his miss has never been good at dancing, whether in balls or dance classes. She steps on toes, misses steps, or tries to go the wrong way. He had assumed she just wasn’t made for that type of dance.
Waltzes are slow, elegant, practiced to the point of perfection, and done, most importantly, in a ballroom. They show perfect control, perfect restraint.
Witch of Tanbarun
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Travelers didn’t come to their town often, not since the old tavern had gone out of business several years ago. A new one had sprung up a year or two later, but the damage had been done, and now most people chose to take a different route to the capital of Tanbarun.
Apparently no one had bothered to tell the stranger.
The World Sparkles with You in It
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic It was her fault really. She should have been watching where she was going, but after a night of listening to another of her upstairs neighbors' ill-timed arguments and a twelve-hour shift in the hospital, Shirayuki was beginning to lose track of what was real and what was not, and the only coherent thought she could form as she made her way to her apartment was Sleep.