A New Woman: Chapter 7
An Agent Carter Fanfic Edith woke to voices–male voices–coming from downstairs. Then she heard Peggy’s laugh among them and relaxed.
When she dressed and came downstairs, she found Peggy standing beside the kitchen table, where Jack and another man sat. Pastel files littered the table around them.
“Am I interrupting something?” she asked.
Peggy spun around. “Oh, Edith! I hope we didn’t wake you.” She turned back to the table and gathered some of the files.
A New Woman: Chapter 6
An Agent Carter Fanfic Edith found herself feeling strangely cheerful about going to the movies with Thompson again after work. She rolled her eyes at herself. “I’ve got to get a new hobby.” At least she finally had something besides work to do.
She hurried through her letters for the day and snatched up her jacket as she shot a glance at the clock. Perfect. Plenty of time to meet him as he left work.
A New Woman: Chapter 5
An Agent Carter Fanfic “Don’t work too late, Edith,” her boss said as he collected his jacket and hat.
“I won’t. I just have to finish typing up this letter and I’ll be done for the night.” There was only half a page left.
He nodded. “That’s good. Have any plans for evening?”
“I don’t think so. I’ll probably just head straight home.”
“Good. You need some rest.”
Edith flushed. She knew it was true.
A New Woman: Chapter 4
An Agent Carter Fanfic “Good morning,” Peggy called when Edith came downstairs the next day. “Tea?”
“If you don’t mind.” Peggy handed her a cup, and the two women sat across from each other at the large table. They sat for a while in silence and Edith discovered she rather liked the large windows when she wasn’t trying to sleep.
“I heard you had a stressful day yesterday,” Peggy began carefully.
A New Woman: Chapter 3
An Agent Carter Fanfic She had an hour for lunch. Plenty of time to run home and collect some clothes, take them to Peggy’s place, and maybe stop by a diner and grab a coffee.
As she climbed the stairs to her room, she heard male voices. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall, trying to keep back the tears. She couldn’t deal with more people right now.
A New Woman: Chapter 2
An Agent Carter Fanfic It was a disaster. Clothes scattered over the bed and hanging over the chair. Some makeup was still on the dressing table, but most was on the floor. It would take hours to find all the bobby pins blending into the dark wooden floor. Her scrapbook laid haphazardly against a wall and the family photo was face-down in front of the shelf.
Angry tears stung Edith’s eyes as she surveyed the room.
A New Woman: Chapter 1
An Agent Carter Fanfic Late one foggy afternoon, a woman walked the streets of Chicago, her shoulders sagging as though the fog weighed heavily on them. The moisture left most of her tawny curls sagging. She had given up on wiping the dampness off her brown horn-rimmed spectacles, so her feet dragged her along through rote memory.
Only two more blocks. Two more blocks and she could fall asleep for a few hours before her roommate got home.