A Little Less Makeup, A Lot More Action
A True Beauty Fanfic When Han Seojun got the text asking him to meet after practice, he knew exactly what was coming.
Even after two years, Im Jugyeong was still holding onto Lee Suho, and he had been stupid to think he could ever change that.
He didn’t answer, hoping she would take the hint and leave, but of course, she didn’t. He considered telling her Suho was leaving to visit his father again.
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic “Mommy, Suzu said you’re going to the market today. I want to go too!”
Shirayuki looks down into the boy’s shining gold eyes and smiles. “Alright, but grab your coat first.”
The humming grows gradually, announcing the silent footsteps. Shirayuki looks up from chopping the herbs Ryuu gave her. “That’s pretty. I’ve never heard that song before.”
It’s an open invitation, but Obi’s not going to respond.
An Unusual Family
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Master Ryuu encouraged questions. He didn’t give many instructions, but he made it clear that Hoshi could ask about anything she needed, so she did. She asked about every medicine they worked on, she asked about any herbs she didn’t recognize in his stores, and she asked about his own projects.
But she didn’t ask about the girl in his office.
The Rising Sun: Chapter 2
A Harry Potter Fanfic Potions class was the only one shared between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Draco made sure to arrive early and sit by Harry before Weasley got the chance on the first day.
I’m excited about potions," he said as he dropped into the seat. “Professor Snape is head of Slytherin house and a friend of my father’s. My father speaks highly of him.”
Harry bit his lip and glanced around.
The Rising Sun: Chapter 1
A Harry Potter Fanfic Narcissa snatched up the back of Draco’s robes as he maneuvered his cart through the crowd. She wrinkled her nose at the sight of all the muggles and wished for the millionth time there were a method of reaching Hogwarts without passing through the muggle train station.
During her own years at school, the necessity of brushing shoulders with so many muggles had been merely an inconvenience and annoyance, but now, bringing her own son for his first year, the experience was positively frightening.
In Which Lives Must be Sorted Out
Part 2 of the A World of Magic and Dreams series A Howl’s Moving Castle Fanfic Percival didn’t know who Mrs. Pentstemmon was, but he was quite certain he once had.
He was sure if he hadn’t, it wouldn’t hurt so much to learn she was dead.
Ben pushed the sitting room door open, thinking how strange it was not to see the butler, but of course, he would be looking for a new position now, or simply retiring.
In Which Ben Sullivan Finds Another World: Part II
A Howl’s Moving Castle Fanfic Trigger warning: emotional manipulation
Ben stepped into the alley outside his apartment building and let the portal close behind him. It felt . . . strange to be back in Wales.
He had stayed in Ingary several weeks, practicing simple transportation spells into the market, the fields, and once, into the inn Justin had snuck away to. Justin had fallen off his chair in surprise, and Ben hadn’t been able to stop laughing for a full minute.
In Which Ben Sullivan Finds Another World: Part I
Part 1 of the A World of Magic and Dreams series A Howl’s Moving Castle Fanfic Ben blinked drowsily up at the bright blue sky and wondered why his head hurt so much. Everything hurt, in fact, and he was tempted to fall back into unconsciousness.
“Are you alright?” a male voice asked.
Ben tried to roll over so he could push himself up, but his back protested. Someone ran over, grabbed him behind his shoulders, and hauled him into a sitting position.
A New Woman: Chapter 6
An Agent Carter Fanfic Edith found herself feeling strangely cheerful about going to the movies with Thompson again after work. She rolled her eyes at herself. “I’ve got to get a new hobby.” At least she finally had something besides work to do.
She hurried through her letters for the day and snatched up her jacket as she shot a glance at the clock. Perfect. Plenty of time to meet him as he left work.
In Which Ben and Lettie Have an Argument
Part 3 of the A World of Magic and Dreams series A Howl’s Moving Castle Fanfic Lettie Hatter had been his apprentice several months before Ben realized how stupidly rash the offer had been.
Everything had settled so neatly the day the Witch of the Waste had been killed that it had seemed only natural that, as the girl he loved required a more advanced magical instructor, he should invite her to become his apprentice.