Always by Your Side: Chapter 2
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic In many ways, the second prince makes things easier on them. He trusts so easily it almost makes Obi feel bad for taking advantage. He assumes Obi won’t break into his room and slit his throat just because he rolls over and plays fetch at his master’s instruction. One day Prince Zen will get a hard lesson in reality. Obi hopes he won’t be around to see it.
Sweet as Belladonna: Chapter II
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) fanfic The little farmhouse stands out from the fields like a lighthouse. This is the first sign of people they’ve seen since leaving the inn two nights ago. Obi’s eyes narrow as he surveys the land around them. Eventually he nods and gestures for her to lead the way.
It’s a pretty little place, clean, though old and patched up in several places, and it seems like a nice place to live, if a little lonely.
Always by Your Side: Chapter 1
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic “I don’t like this.”
“It’s fine.” Maybe if she says it enough times, it’ll be true. “We’re just . . . moving a little sooner than expected.” She finishes addressing the medicine-filled envelopes and unties her apron. Her bag is packed, the room clean and awaiting a new owner, and the encoded note written and waiting for its messenger to stop complaining.
Sweet as Belladonna: Chapter I
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Shirayuki stares down at the package of dried leaves in her hands. She may not enjoy studying poisons as much as Ryuu, but every herbalist knows how to identify them.
There’s only one reason the crown prince would send her this, and she doesn’t want to think about it.
She’s been watching Obi, ever since Izana told her his suspicions about his lineage, but he’s nearly always with her.
Say My Name
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic There’s a ritual to coming home. Shirayuki knocks twice before unlocking the door, slips off her shoes, then calls, “I’m home” to the empty house. It’s a simple habit, and Ryuu appreciates the routine. Garack appreciates clean floors.
“It was busy at the pharmacy today,” she tells the kitchen as she puts away her groceries. She doesn’t know if either of her housemates are actually listening, but they do often come to greet her when she gets home, so she talks anyway.
Never Gone My Way
An Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic Obi knows he has bad luck (being cursed by the gods kind of clued him in), but he really could have done without falling in love with the woman destined to kill him.
This is definitely a new low.
But of course, that’s not even the worst of it. The worst part is that she doesn’t know, and he can’t bring himself to tell her what fate has in store for both of them.
Renovate my Heart
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) fanfic The lady on aisle three looks lost.
Obi’s used to confusion, exhaustion, frustration, and plenty of other strong emotions from customers, but this one’s a first.
“Can I help you?”
The little red-haired whirls around and clutches a paint sample to her chest. “What?”
“You look like you’re having some trouble.”
“Oh. I guess so.” She frowns down at her paint chip.
Call Me Wayne
A Stranger Things Fanfic Nobody ever came to the Munson trailer. That was just a fact. The guys Wayne liked to spend time with usually sat around at a diner over a mug of coffee for an hour before heading home, and Eddie never brought friends around. Some might think he was embarrassed, but Wayne knew his nephew better.
Eddie had learned to live in a small town that despised differences by wearing the things that shamed him as badges of honor and keeping the things he cared about close and safe from prying eyes.
Love on the Silver Screen
An Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) Fanfic In Obi’s experience, every girl loves a good romance picture. He remembers the girls in school swooning over Rudolph Valentino or Douglas Fairbanks and declaring the actress starring with them to be “the luckiest girl in the world”.
This new actress does not realize the charmed life she’s living.
It’s quite simple really. A few steps of a dance, then the leading man sweeps his lady love away for a tender conversation and a moon-lit kiss.
A Little Less Makeup, A Lot More Action
A True Beauty Fanfic When Han Seojun got the text asking him to meet after practice, he knew exactly what was coming.
Even after two years, Im Jugyeong was still holding onto Lee Suho, and he had been stupid to think he could ever change that.
He didn’t answer, hoping she would take the hint and leave, but of course, she didn’t. He considered telling her Suho was leaving to visit his father again.