Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter XII
A Harry Potter Fanfic Aftermath
“But how did you survive that wall falling on you?” Ron asked. Fred shrugged and took another sip of his pumpkin juice.
He and George had decided to close the shop for a couple weeks after the battle and were staying back at the Burrow. Everyone was still adjusting to going back to normal. There were many they were still mourning, but they had all decided they needed to spend time with just family.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter XI
A Harry Potter Fanfic War
Fred stared up at the stars, enjoying the silence and the dark. He heard the door creak behind him.
“Fred? Are you alright?” He smiled when he heard Hermione’s voice. When he nodded, she came out and sat beside him. “What are you doing?”
“Hiding from Mum.” He turned to grin at her. “Dunno if you’ve noticed, but she’s gotten a bit crazy about Bill and Fleur’s wedding.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter X
A Harry Potter Fanfic “Happy Christmas, Mum,” Fred said when he and George arrived.
“Oh, boys!” she said, spinning around and hugging them both.
He greeted his siblings, Harry, and Fleur, then looked around. “Where’s Hermione?” Ron looked away and Harry frowned.
“She’s not here. She went home for the holidays,” Harry explained.
“What? Why?” Fred asked.
Harry glanced at Ron for a instant. “Uh, I think she just didn’t want to come.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter IX
A Harry Potter Fanfic Out of School
“Mr. Weasley, your family is here!” Verity called.
Fred spun around and saw his mum and dad staring in wonder at the shop. Ron and Ginny were wandering the aisles. Harry and Hermione had barely gotten through the door before they were sidetracked by the Patented Daydream Charms.
He greeted his parents and walked over to Harry and Hermione in time to hear Hermione say, “This is really impressive magic!
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter VIII
A Harry Potter Fanfic Fred climbed through the portrait hole, arms laden with sweets. He didn’t notice Lee freeze until he bumped into him.
“What’s the matter?” he whispered. It was late. Or early depending on how you looked at it. There shouldn’t be anyone in the common room.
“Hi, Hermione,” Lee said quietly. Fred winced in anticipation of the lecture he knew would follow. There was no answer.
Fred peeked around Lee and saw Hemione sitting on the couch facing away from them.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter VII
A Harry Potter Fanfic Fred aimed carefully and tossed the little parchment ball. It flew across the common room and landed on the fire. He watched it burn, the sight cheering him a bit. He ripped another piece off his Tranfiguration essay and balled it up.
He knew McGonagall wouldn’t be surprised when he showed up to class without his essay the next day. She’d probably be more surprised to know he had actually done it.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter VI
A Harry Potter Fanfic Fred noticed Hermione sitting alone in the common room, so he grabbed his parchment, quill, and ink and plopped down in the chair next to hers. She had been civil to him all day, but didn’t speak much unless she had to.
He glanced at the wide array of books scattered around her and picked up Magical Remedies for Common Ailments.
“Mind if I borrow this?” he asked, opening it up to the index.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter V
A Harry Potter Fanfic Year 7
The group of first years collapsed one at a time onto the cushions Fred, Lee, and George had laid out. Fred studied each student carefully to make certain they were all reacting the same. He scribbled his notes on his clipboard.
“That’s enough!”
Fred’s grip on the clipboard tightened as he heard Hermione’s voice behind them. This had nothing to do with her. Why did she keep having to get involved?
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter IV
A Harry Potter Fanfic “If we sent that letter for nothing–” George began.
“He’ll pay up. I’m sure of it,” Fred assured him as he helped himself to more food.
Hermione rushed into the Great Hall a little late for supper. She had probably gotten distracted in the library. To Fred’s surprise, she sat beside him and stared at him and George.
“I don’t know who you’re blackmailing,” she said in a quiet voice, “but I think you should stop.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter III
A Harry Potter Fanfic “I’m telling you, I think you should ask Angelina,” Fred said as George continued writing their letter to Bagman, ignoring him completely.
“Are you asking anyone to the Yule Ball?” Lee asked.
Fred shook his head, ignoring the way his thoughts turned to Hermione. “Are you?”
Lee grinned. “I might ask Alicia.”
“I bet she’ll say yes,” Fred said. He glanced back at George. “And I bet Angelina would say yes if George asked her.