Dance of Shadows part I
A Gods of Jade and Shadow Fanfic When they finally reached a city that first night, Loray pulled up to the most luxurious hotel in the vicinity (he didn’t trust her to drive in the city) and tossed the car keys to a valet. When he opened the trunk, Casiopea snatched up her bag before he could take it. He rolled his eyes to the sky and shook his head, but he didn’t protest.
A New Woman: Chapter 4
An Agent Carter Fanfic “Good morning,” Peggy called when Edith came downstairs the next day. “Tea?”
“If you don’t mind.” Peggy handed her a cup, and the two women sat across from each other at the large table. They sat for a while in silence and Edith discovered she rather liked the large windows when she wasn’t trying to sleep.
“I heard you had a stressful day yesterday,” Peggy began carefully.
Under the Takima Bush
A Queen’s Thief Fanfic The Baron Erondites’s son was nervous, or so thought the young thief hiding in the branches of the takima bush above him.
Eugenides could be patient when he wanted or needed to, but watching the man scratch out words or mumble rhyming sets to himself was growing annoying. He was almost glad when the man cursed and tore his page, scattering the pieces on the ground where they glowed like silver in the moonlight.
A New Woman: Chapter 3
An Agent Carter Fanfic She had an hour for lunch. Plenty of time to run home and collect some clothes, take them to Peggy’s place, and maybe stop by a diner and grab a coffee.
As she climbed the stairs to her room, she heard male voices. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall, trying to keep back the tears. She couldn’t deal with more people right now.
A New Woman: Chapter 2
An Agent Carter Fanfic It was a disaster. Clothes scattered over the bed and hanging over the chair. Some makeup was still on the dressing table, but most was on the floor. It would take hours to find all the bobby pins blending into the dark wooden floor. Her scrapbook laid haphazardly against a wall and the family photo was face-down in front of the shelf.
Angry tears stung Edith’s eyes as she surveyed the room.
A New Woman: Chapter 1
An Agent Carter Fanfic Late one foggy afternoon, a woman walked the streets of Chicago, her shoulders sagging as though the fog weighed heavily on them. The moisture left most of her tawny curls sagging. She had given up on wiping the dampness off her brown horn-rimmed spectacles, so her feet dragged her along through rote memory.
Only two more blocks. Two more blocks and she could fall asleep for a few hours before her roommate got home.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter XVI
A Harry Potter Fanfic “Okay, your turn, Fred,” Harry said.
“Right. Hmm.” Fred played with the bottle of firewhiskey in front of him. “Time I got in the most trouble with a professor . . . What d’you say, George? I’m thinking that time on the roof in our second year.” George groaned and laid his head on the table.
Angelina shook her head as she handed her empty plate to the Leaky Cauldron’s server.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter XV
A Harry Potter Fanfic Three Years Later
Fred woke to the sound of voices, which was unusual. George hated having the radio on, so their flat was usually quiet in the mornings.
He sat up and yawned. Maybe George had decided he liked the radio again and just hadn’t mentioned it. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that had happened.
“Good morning, Fred,” a voice said as he came out of his room.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter XIV
A Harry Potter Fanfic The next day, Fred woke earlier than everyone else and couldn’t go back to sleep, so he went downstairs and picked up the latest issue of The Quibbler. He had finished the first article before he realized there was no need to scan it for familiar names. He kept reading anyway.
It wasn’t long before he heard loud thumps on the stairs and saw Harry running down with Ron close on his heels.
Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter XIII
A Harry Potter Fanfic Life Moves On
“Happy Christmas, everyone,” said a voice behind the couch where Fred and George sat.
Fred leaped up to give Hermione a hug. “Hermione! I figured you’d be celebrating with your parents!”
Hermione ran around the room hugging everyone else. “I am! Your mum invited them to come and stay too, but they won’t be here until tomorrow.”
“Why didn’t you mention it?” Ron asked when she got to him.