Old Books and Firecrackers: Chapter X
A Harry Potter Fanfic
“Happy Christmas, Mum,” Fred said when he and George arrived.
“Oh, boys!” she said, spinning around and hugging them both.
He greeted his siblings, Harry, and Fleur, then looked around. “Where’s Hermione?” Ron looked away and Harry frowned.
“She’s not here. She went home for the holidays,” Harry explained.
“What? Why?” Fred asked.
Harry glanced at Ron for a instant. “Uh, I think she just didn’t want to come.”
Oh, so it was Ron’s fault. His brother had said or done something stupid again and now Hermione would be spending Christmas alone.
That night, while he and George sat alone in their room, Fred pulled out a sheet of parchment and a quill.
Hermione, he wrote.
Please don’t let whatever my brother said keep you away. I hope you know you are always welcome here with EVERYBODY. I don’t want you to spend Christmas alone.
He rolled up the letter and sent it with his and George’s new owl.
“Who’re you writing to?” George asked slyly.
“Hermione. I wanted to know why she didn’t come.”
“Probably wanted to spend the holidays with her parents. She hasn’t seen much of them lately, has she?”
“You’re probably right,” Fred said, without looking at his twin. “I’m going to bed.”
The next morning he got a reply.
Thank you very much for the invitation, but I don’t think I can handle spending the holidays with Ron at the moment. I will miss you, but I’m perfectly fine staying at Hogwarts.
He sighed and crumpled the note in his hand, tossing it at the wastebasket. George came into the room at that moment and smirked. He scooped up the parchment and smoothed it out. Fred didn’t protest.
“So she’s staying at Hogwarts?” George asked when he had finished reading the note. “I wonder what Ickle Ronnikins got himself into this time. Why didn’t she go home, though?”
“No idea,” Fred lied.
Christmas morning, Fred and George opened their presents together before coming downstairs for breakfast.
When they got to the kitchen, Fred couldn’t help but smile when he noticed their mum wearing the hat and necklace they had given her.
Breakfast was interrupted when their mum happened to glance out the window.
“Percy,” she breathed. Everyone looked up. She nudged their dad’s shoulder without looking away from the window. “Arthur, it’s Percy!” Sure enough, Percy knocked on the door a moment later accompanied by the Minister of Magic.
Fred wasn’t fooled for a moment by the Minister’s story about Percy wanting to stop by. Percy wouldn’t even look at them and the Minister was being very insistent on speaking to Harry. Unfortunately, his mum believed every word.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Percy,” she said. “Do–do you want something to eat?” Without waiting for an answer, she whirled around and began piling a plate with everything she had cooked.
“No thank you,” Percy answered stiffly. Their mum froze and set the plate down.
“Oh, well, I suppose you’ve already eaten. Don’t you want to sit down?” Percy shook his head. “Well–well it’s good to see you. Have you been alright?”
She hesitated for a moment, but couldn’t be deterred for long. “I–I have your present here. I was going to send it later by owl, but since you’re here–” she scurried out of the room and returned with a lumpy package. She smiled and held it out.
He didn’t take it.
“That’s not–that’s not why I’m here.”
“Then why are you here?” George burst out suddenly. Percy’s gaze flicked to him, startled. George took a step forward. “If you’re not here to eat, and not to talk, and not for your gift, then why are you here?” Fred grabbed George’s arm and started to drag him back, but George tore away. “No! I want him to answer me.”
Percy raised his chin. “I’m here because the Minister–” their mum flinched and George took another step toward Percy.
“Oh yes, your oh-so-important Minister. So don’t talk to us. He might disapprove!” George shot.
“Don’t be angry with me for trying to do well for myself. I couldn’t do that with you lot holding me back, what with Dad–”
Fred’s wand was in his hand before he knew what had happened and he pointed it at Percy. “Don’t you dare blame Dad!”
“Boys!” their dad said behind them. Fred squeezed his wand so tight his fingers glowed white.
Their mum had been watching them fight and now she burst into tears. Fred clenched his jaw. How dare he make her cry again.
“Please don’t–Percy–” she sobbed.
Percy’s gaze hardened. “I’m only waiting until the Minister gets back and then I’m leaving.”
A load of mashed parsnips smacked Percy in the face as Fred swiped his wand. Percy stood frozen, glaring daggers at both Fred and George. Fred glanced at George, who also had his wand out and realized they must have both sent the parsnips flying.
Before anyone could start yelling again, Harry and the Minister returned. As soon as they heard them approaching, Percy spun around and stormed out the door. Harry stared at him as he passed. The door slammed hard.
Fred’s mum sobbed harder and left the room, their father and Bill following. Fred stayed behind, squeezing his wand, knowing anything he had to say would not be helpful.
“Who–who threw the parsnips?” Harry asked quietly.
“I did,” Fred, George, and Ginny said at the same time. Fred spun around to look at his little sister and notice the parsnips on her hands. She was scowling.
“Per’aps–per’aps we should clean up breakfast,” Fleur said, standing up quickly and avoiding everyone’s gaze.
It was a testament to how angry she was that Ginny didn’t protest.
- Old Books and Firecrackers
- Fred Weasley
- Hermione Granger
- Fremione fanfiction
- Fred X Hermione fanfiction
- Harry Potter fanfiction